medea and other friends i made in athens theatre reviwe

Medea and other friends I made in Athens Review - Things to do in Athens

If you’re looking for a fun way to spend your Saturday night in Athens with your friends, family or partner, then keep reading!

Last night we went to the popular ‘Medea and other friends I made in Athens’ theatre review after spotting it pop up on AirBnB. We normally use Airbnb experiences to find things to do when we travel as we have found these to be the best excursions; they feel a little less touristy and a little more local, the hosts normally tend to care a little more when compared to some other tour operators…but less about that now, and more about this intimate theatre show! Let’s dive right in…


The performance takes place on a truly magical rooftop, right beneath the Acropolis and next to the Roman Agora. It’s an absolutely gorgeous setting; you have to walk through some gorgeous classic Greek streets full of restaurants and people having late dinners, drinking wine, and musicians playing classic Greek music. When you go head up the theatre stairs, you’re greeted by someone who offers you a glass of wine (ok, a paper cup of box wine, but wine is wine right…) and a bottle of water, and then you step out into the open air theatre, where you have the most stunning views. Definitely a pinch me moment view.

Medea and other friends I made in Athens Review - Things to do in Athens

The play itself

It’s a great mix of Ancient Greek literature, from the tragedy of Medea, to a Greek comedy where women are in power (less offensive than it sounds, I promise), to the story of Prometheus; the talented actors manage to cover a lot within the 90 minutes, and in the most entertaining way! There were moments where we were laughing and moments where we were nearly crying, which is a true testament to the actors.

Speaking of which, we have to mention, the actors were brilliant, we really enjoyed their colourful performances, they were able to switch between comedy and tragedy at the drop of a hat, and they weren’t afraid to fully commit to the roles. True to Ancient Greek tradition, women weren’t allowed to act in the theatre, so these four young men played all the roles, including the women. Their portrayals of women were brilliant; think Drag Race style comedy and dancing, it was very amusing; they were all triple threats.

It’s a good length show too, as just under 90 minutes, it’s enough to keep you fully entertained without looking at your watch or getting too fidgety, and the quick change between the stories means it’s great to keep you engaged, especially if you’re someone like me, who has a short attention span, or who struggles to get through a movie without falling asleep.

How to book tickets

You can book either through AirBnB, their website, or you can just rock up on the night. We went on a Saturday night, and there were still some tickets available at the door. It’s give or take the same price (£23) whether you buy in advance or on the door. It starts at 9 pm and finishes around 10.30 pm; we’d recommend getting there about 15 minutes before so you can use the toilet (there was a bit of a queue), and then grab a good seat.

There is no audience participation so you are safe sat in the front row, and will have the best views!

Would we recommend Medea and other friends I made in Greece?

I think you can probably guess the answer to this already! We absolutely loved the show; it was very much our humour, the story-telling and the acting was great and the setting was just magical. We’d definitely recommend grabbing a ticket, and at just £23 a pop, it’s a steal.

Plus if you want to make it into a date night, there are loads of gorgeous restaurants just around the corner to grab a bite to eat and a drink before or after the show.


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