currently in: Athens, Greece 

Adventurers, Designers, and Storytellers


 It was a time to make a change

with curiosity as our compass, we decided to venture beyond the familiar…


Picture this: a bustling studio, the hum of creativity, and the whirlwind of entrepreneurship. That was our world – buzzing with ambition and passion. But deep down, we felt a tug, a whisper that there was more to life than what we knew.

So, with hearts pounding and curiosity as our compass, we decided to venture beyond the familiar.

We craved stories that stretched beyond our own narrative

We craved stories that stretched beyond our own narrative, faces that carried histories different from ours, and landscapes that took our breath away. It was a thirst for experiences that couldn't be satiated by routine alone. That's why we threw caution to the wind, packed our bags, and hit the road. The decision was bold, a leap into the unknown, but we believed in the magic of discovering the world and ourselves in the process.

This journey, you see, is about embracing life in all its unscripted beauty. It's about trading predictability for spontaneity, comfort for growth. Every path we tread, every person we meet, every design we encounter – they're all threads weaving a richer tapestry of our lives.

We're not just exploring new places; we're unravelling layers of our own potential, one adventure at a time.


running routes

vegan food

flight reviews

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travel timeline


the ellis’


ruby rose Ellis

I’m a design aficionado and the heart and soul behind two thriving creative businesses. With an unyielding passion for all things design, I've spent years crafting designs that tell stories, evoke emotions, and reflect the essence of those who inhabit them.

When I'm not designing brands and websites, you'll find me exploring the world, seeking inspiration in the unlikeliest of places, and collecting stories to share with kindred spirits like you.


will Ellis

I'm all about bringing digital dreams to life! As a dedicated developer, I thrive on turning lines of code into functional wonders that make the digital realm come alive.

Beyond the screen, my other love affair is with running and the great outdoors. With an uncanny knack for sniffing out the best running routes, I explore cities and landscapes one stride at a time.


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read our latest adventures